The conscious mind can process about 40 bits of information per second; the subconscious mind can process 40 Million bits of information per second! Imagine if you could program the subconscious mind by delivering millions of instructions to it.
Of course, we constantly program our subconscious minds without realizing it. The conversations we have with ourselves and others, the information we expose ourselves to, our experiences, and our daily repetitive thinking -- all program the subconscious mind by default! The result can be seen in patterns in our lives.
The Subconscious Mind Controls Most Bodily Functions.
A small example of the Power of programming the subconscious mind is this: one of the bodily functions controlled by the subconscious is the production and absorption of HGH (human growth hormone). One of the reasons for the effects of aging is a decline in the production and absorption in the body, of HGH. If you could program your subconscious, you could instruct it to increase production and absorption of your body's own natural HGH, thus helping to diminish the effects of aging.
The Subconscious Mind Controls Habits.
We all have a myriad of habits we're unaware of, from physical habits to emotional and mental habits, and it can take immense work, time and will-power (not to mention therapy) to change these habits. Even something as apparently simple as thinking positively, or feeling enthusiastic about life, can prove to be a major challenge. Imagine the possibilities if you could go directly to the source and program your subconscious mind.
Methods of Programming the Subconscious Mind:
There are various ways you can attempt to program your subconscious. Some of these are conscious and manual, others are more direct and automatic.
Let's start with the better known methods. Affirmations are one of the most popular ways in which people try to program their subconscious and change habits. With affirmations it's essential to use the present tense. For example: "I am confident" rather than "I will be confident." Affirmations can take a long time - they need to be repeated many times, and over a long period before the message may get through to the subconscious. They are also dependent on the conscious mind - which will usually argue with the affirmation "No I'm not." The old beliefs and patterns can often block the instructions from reaching the subconscious. The affirmation has to try (by repetitive convincing) to gain permission from the "gatekeeper" - the conscious mind - in order to enter the subconscious.
This is a method of attempting to reach the subconscious but avoid the arguments of the conscious mind. With this method, the "gatekeeper" may be asleep, but the instructions still have to sneak past it without being noticed.
Subliminal Messaging:
A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind. So with this technique, the gatekeeper is out cold, and it's fairly easy for instructions to sneak past without his ever knowing they were there! However, there is a lot of debate and disagreement as to the effectiveness of this method. There are subliminal messaging CDs you can buy, most of which consist of a background sound like rain or music, and have messages, instructions and affirmations embedded, which are inaudible to the conscious mind.
P.A.T.H.S. (Program Authoring the Human Subconscious)
Paths is a method of programming the subconscious mind by delivering instructions and cues directly to the subconscious, automatically.
However, unlike subliminal messaging it doesn't require hours a week listening to a CD. The person using Paths will watch an online customized theater presentation for three minutes per module. The modules relate to specific topics chosen by the user. These visual and audio theaters include cues targeting the person's subconscious mind. The subconscious mind recognizes that the theater is specifically for that user and nobody else. The subconscious mind then downloads millions of instructions corresponding to the modules chosen and then the presentation is over.
Over the next seven days, on average, the person's brain has assimilated and built new connections corresponding to the instructions that the subconscious mind received. The best analogy of how this is possible is that you could send one hundred pages to a printer all at once. The printer stores it in a memory. Then, the printer prints one page at a time, as it is able. This is like the brain forming new neural connections to correspond to this information, as it is able.
Although this method is no magical cure for all, by communicating more directly with the subconscious mind in this manner and at the huge repetitious cycle that RDT (Rapid Data Transfer) utilizes, the results are realized in a very fast manner that most people are unfamiliar with.
Whatever method you find works for you, the potential of the being able to program the subconscious mind is "mind-blowing" especially when you take into account the experiments conducted in 1979 by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR). The PEAR program at Princeton University was set up to determine if human consciousness can externally affect the physical world. In 2007, PEAR was closed because they accomplished what they set out to do.
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